“Dramatic Immediacy and Imaginative Distortion in Robert Olen Butler's ‘Anne Boleyn,’ Severance"“Dramatic Immediacy and Imaginative Distortion in Robert Olen Butler's ‘Anne Boleyn,’ Severance" A look at Butler’s previous writing...
Imaginative Distortion in"Walter Raleigh," Severance, The Fantasy of Triangular LoveRobert Olen Butler is best known for his Pulitzer prize winning collection of short stories, A Good Scent from a Strange Mountain. The...
The Big BangTHE BIG BANG You are the unrumpled magic That calms my tidal waves Just when it’s time to incinerate The cool beauty of the full moon And...
Slippery CloudsSLIPPERY CLOUDS But what is Love ? A razor blade You swallow After a long French kiss It strikes like a cobra In One long hiss Sleek arms...
CurdledWHEN I CURDLE UP TO YOU I’ve grown to drink from drains Where the sun’s coarse voice Gurgles like gargoyles spatting Forth their sultry...
Chariot on FireLIKE A CHARIOT ON FIRE Back on the racetrack Turn up the speed Back on the racetrack Take no heed The world is dizzy And I’m spinning...
L'IntrusIl pouvait la reconnaître, les yeux fermés, à la fine pellicule au goût salin qu’on sentait sur sa nuque et dont les traces se perdaient...
The IntruderHe knew the smell of the color of her hair, the slight saline deposit at the nape of her neck, how it dispersed at the slope of her hips...
Le sombre FaucheurOn m’a jeté comme un agneau parmi les loups. Il m’a appris à être aussi rusé que les serpents et aussi doux que les colombes, mais eux...
The Grim ReaperI was sent forth as a lamb in the midst of wolves. He taught me to be as wise as serpents, and harmless as doves. But they have taught...
Pussy Kate« Pussssy-Kate ! Pussssy-Kate ! » Elle l’entendit bien qui l’appelait mais refusa cette fois de bouger ; pourquoi serait-ce toujours à...
Pussy Kate“Pussssy-Kate! Pussssy-Kate!” She heard him calling, but refused to budge this time. Why should she always be the one to jump into his...